MBBS MS (Orthopedics)Languages
English Kannada Hindi Tamil MalayalamWork Experience
30 Years Experience Overall (26 years as specialist)Awards & Achivements
• Awarded the prestigious ROBERT ACLAND Fellowship for the year 2011 by the Indian society for surgery of the hand. Visited Pulvertaft Hand unitDerby
the United Kingdom for 4 weeks in August 2011
• Received the award for performing the highest number of surgeries successfully in HOSMAT hospital
Bangalore for three consecutive years 2004
2005 and 2006
• Awarded the traveling fellowship of the Karnataka State Orthopedic Association for the year 2001
• Secured the best poster award for the poster titled “Surgical release of Camptodactyly-Points to Ponder” at the National Hand conference held at Chandigarh on 3rd Sep 2006.
• Member of Asia Pacific Wrist Association-APWA• Life member of Indian Society of surgery of the hand
• Past secretary of the Bangalore orthopedic society
• Life member of Indian Orthopedic Association
• Life member of Karnataka Orthopedic Association
• Life member of Bangalore Orthopedic Society
• Life member of Indian Trauma Society.
Area of Interest
• Extensive experience in managing all types of Upper Limb TraumaBrachial Plexus injuries and all disorders involving the upper limb
hand and wrist like tumors
Compressive Neuropathies
Spastic Limb
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Deformities and Post Traumati